

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Festival du Voyageur

The first thing that catches your eye as you walk onto the festival grounds, is that there are snow sculptures everywhere.  Some are simple, others rather elaborate, but all very interesting.

The bonfire helped to chase away some of the chill of the outdoors.  But to really warm up, there were many buildings and tents with both activities and food.

We were able to watch a reenactment.  I know now why soldiers used the bayonets attached to the rifles... it took too long to load a rifle!!  War would have been a very slow process. 

Warming up while listening to the juggler in the children's tent.  His laugh (giggle?) was enough to keep us entertained for a while!

One of the more elaborate snow sculptures.

Sleigh rides were available for a small price.  With my grandson asleep in the stroller most of the afternoon, we enjoyed a leisurely walk around the grounds, and went into the more accessible buildings or tents.  In a few years the babies will be at the ideal age for enjoying the festival activities.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Calgary Trip

Last Thursday I drove in the worst conditions I've ever driven in - blowing snow so bad that I couldn't see the lines on the road on the way home from my work.  I got home rather shaken.  So I wasn't anxious to start out for Calgary before I knew the roads were clear.  But the roads did open on Friday morning (most highways in our part of the province were closed all night), and the worst we saw was this blowing snow near Winnipeg.  It cleared up quickly, and the rest of the drive was nice.  We were off to deliver a truck to Calgary... it's nice when the trip is paid for by someone else!

I love Elbow Falls, and so we took a day to go to the mountains.  This was our first stop.  Yes, it was as cold as it looks, so we didn't stay long, but shot a few pictures, at least.

Since my hubby drove all the way (it was a work truck), I could work on my monkeys, and these are the seven that I managed to finish in our two days of driving.

From Elbow Falls, we took Highway 1A to Canmore.  I love that road... very little traffic and a different view than the #1 offers.

One of the benefits of the backcountry roads is the wildlife.  We did se two moose on the road to Elbow Falls, but on this highway, you can almost be guaranteed a sight of the mountain sheep.

The mountains were so crisp and clear.  Yes, I miss the mountains.  Each place we have lived has had it's positives, and the mountains that are so near Calgary was definitely one thing we had a hard time leaving behind.  It was good to be back there.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Birds Hill Park - Cedar Bog

Today was a perfect day for a winter walk.  Perfect for walking and talking with my friend, at least.  And that was the priority for today.  But I can't go without a camera, even on a gray day.  I am inspired by other photographers - including my nephew - who can take incredible pictures in any weather.  I'm not there yet... I have much to learn.  But it was a lovely walk with a few surprises, and I did get a few photos.

A very pleasant surprise was this bird-feeding area.  One day I'll have to come back alone and just sit here long enough to get more close-ups.  The birds didn't seem shy, but we weren't there to sit quietly.

There were two snowmen on the path we took.  I'm grateful for my Manitoban friends who are willing to show me the places to go here in my new neighborhood.